Stock & POP

  • For the office products industry automated feeds for FUSION data, Antalis, VOW, Ingram Micro, Exertis/Advent, CTS, DAMs, UFP, Westcoast and many more
  • Quantity price breaks
  • Multiple locations per product
    • Ring-fence customers' stock
    • EPoS uses own locations or share with pick face
  • Bulk Purchasing
    • Allows change of Supplier
    • Real-time stock check to VOW, Exertis, Antalis, CTS, UFP and Westcoast before a purchase order is generated
    • Multiple ship direct orders to same delivery address grouped together and sent on a single purchase order, saving on delivery charges
  • XML integration
  • Shipped direct
    • Products and customers can be flagged to go ship direct
    • Sales orders can have a mix of standard lines and ship direct lines
  • Serial tracking
  • Returns to suppliers

Warehouses can be defined by floors, aisles, bays & locations. Bulk locations can be assigned to SKUs or the system assigns as stock is booked in.

Products can be set up individually, but more often than not the mapped import option allows thousands of codes to the set up or amended from a spreadsheet.  All audited and checked.

A taste of the options available

FIFO Costing

FIFO costing is maintained against all goods receipted (GRNs). These costs use the initial P/O prices  are updated as purchase invoices are raised.

Bulk Shop

Purchase orders can be raised upfront, independently of any sales orders. Or the "Bulk Shop" option can be used to raised Purchase Orders (P/Os) where stock is generally not held.  It will check all outstanding orders and replacements, and check against current stock holding and expected P/Os to generate a requirement. This process will also take into account any min/max stock levels that are defined against SKUs.

Print & Production

Delstree Control has it's own print and production module that allows complex items to be made.  Throughout the process job sheets are maintained and signed off at each stage.